echo 'digraph { "Julius " -> "Adonis" [taillabel = "Son of"] "King of Midland " -> "Adonis" [taillabel = "Nephew of"] "Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam" -> "Adonis" [taillabel = "Cousin of"] "Adonis" -> "King of Midland " [taillabel = "Uncle of"] "Julius " -> "King of Midland " [taillabel = "Older Brother of"] "Queen of Midland " -> "King of Midland " [taillabel = "Husband of"] "Griffith" -> "King of Midland " [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam" -> "King of Midland " [taillabel = "Father of"] "Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam" -> "King of Midland " [taillabel = "In love with"] "Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam" -> "Julius " [taillabel = "Uncle of"] "Foss " -> "Julius " [taillabel = "Co-conspirator of"] "Queen of Midland " -> "Julius " [taillabel = "Lover of"] "Adonis" -> "Julius " [taillabel = "Father of"] "King of Midland " -> "Julius " [taillabel = "Younger Brother of"] "Griffith" -> "Julius " [taillabel = "Enemy of"] "Adonis" -> "Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam" [taillabel = "Cousin of"] "King of Midland " -> "Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam" [taillabel = "Daughter of"] "Julius " -> "Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam" [taillabel = "Niece of"] "Queen of Midland " -> "Charlotte Beatrix Marie Rhody Windam" [taillabel = "step-daughter of"] }' | dot -Tsvg > output.svg