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Okashi na Tensei Episode 1 Quotes Aug 22, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 382 new quotes

Okashi na Tensei

Wanting nothing more than to deliver happiness to all through his pastries, our main character enrolls in the world championship for the best patissier.
Unfortunately, he ends up being crushed to death by his own art, but a kind god hear his pleas and gives him a second chance.
Reborn into a new world in a medieval-esque magical life, our main character, now called Pastry Mil Morteln, has to learn how to get by longing for the day he can again grace the world with his delicious desserts.
With his knowledge about food, Pastry aids his father, the suzerain of Morteln, on how to plant crops successfully.
Believing in his son's brilliancy at such a young age, the suzerain lord decides to bring Pastry to the Santification Ceremony, in hopes that his magical powers will awaken and help them defend their land against the bandits that are ravaging the neighboring lands.

Featuring Characters
Anies Mill Morteln | CV: Hitomi Nabatame, 生天目仁美, なばため ひとみ | 14 lines
Casserole Mill Morteln | CV: Hiroshi Tsuchida, 土田大, つちだ ひろし | 69 lines
Josephine Mill Morteln | CV: Rumi Ookubo, 大久保瑠美, おおくぼ るみ | 18 lines
Luminito Aidolihappa | CV: Maaya Uchida, 内田真礼, うちだ まあや | 4 lines
Marcarullo Doroba | CV: Natsumi Fujiwara, 藤原夏海, ふじわら なつみ | 6 lines
Pastry Mill Morteln | CV: Ayumu Murase, 村瀬歩, むらせ あゆむ | 143 lines
Patissier | CV: Shinya Takahashi, 高橋伸也, たかはし しんや | 12 lines
Priest | CV: Chafurin, 茶風林, ちゃふうりん | 30 lines
Sheets Beetwin | CV: Yuu Wakabayashi, 若林佑, わかばやしゆう | 45 lines

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New Layout for Quotes Aug 19, 2023 | Rei
It's been roughly 5 years now we've been adding character quotes to ACDB. I've been trying various layouts and approaches over the years, alternating the focus between features and images, when what's really important is the quotes!

This'll be the new standard layout.


Quotes will be sorted based on the number of up votes. Then I've split the quotes up into 3 categories.

Quotes by Character
Quotes by Series
Quotes by VA

Clicking on the quote text, is a link to the individual quote. It's there all the features will be added back.

I'll be doing some optimizing on the voting up.


Also there have been some helpful changes on series pages.


1. Quotes will now link to quotes from the series
2. Add to Title Tracker and Add to Favorites are much more accessible, being right under the profile image.
3. Release dates now have a View characters link that generates a list of characters from titles with a similar release date. If you wanted to know what animal ear characters are coming out in October 2023 it's now possible!
Helck Episode 1 Quotes Aug 15, 2023 | Rei
Transcript - 408 new quotes



Helck has some rather choice lines from the very start! I despise humans!

I'm finding it a fun and entertaining series! Good mix of serious and joking.

Quote Trivia
Quotes to Learn Japanese Game
Quotes to Learn Japanese Game (Audio Version)

Asta | CV: Shiki Aoki, 青木志貴, あおき しき | 8 lines
Helck | CV: Katsuyuki Konishi, 小西克幸, こにし かつゆき | 15 lines
Hon | CV: Akira Ishida, 石田彰, いしだ あきら | 99 lines
Hyura | CV: Rena Maeda, 前田玲奈, まえだ れな | 7 lines
Ista | CV: Haruka Shiraishi, 白石晴香, しらいし はるか | 22 lines
Kenros | CV: Hiroyuki Yoshino, 吉野裕行, よしの ひろゆき | 28 lines
Rococo | CV: Sora Tokui, 徳井青空, とくい そら | 30 lines
Vermilio | CV: Mikako Komatsu, 小松未可子, こまつ みかこ | 138 lines

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